After dedicating over 40 years to directing and producing Christian broadcasts across the United States and Canada, it’s safe to say that while TV may not be the dominant force it once was, it still holds a significant presence in the programming world.
Well-executed Christian programs on television continue to have a profound impact winning souls and touching lives while increasing donors and partners directly from the broadcast. Furthermore, with the ongoing evolution and expansion of social and digital platforms, utilizing TV programs intentionally can strike a chord with viewers and ministry supporters, enabling them to come alongside and help further your God-given gift and calling to serve those who are lost and hurting.
Creating TV programs that strategically include calls-to-action, a dedicated website, and corresponding URLs to guide responses from various digital platforms such as social media, reels, podcasts, and blogs is crucial to informing and educating people about your ministry and guiding them towards Christ. All these platforms need to work cohesively towards a common goal. However, in many cases, one or more of a ministry’s digital platforms are overlooked or given less importance.
Withum Media Group is here to assist you in crafting a comprehensive plan that can effectively operate across all your platforms, ensuring consistent messaging is conveyed simultaneously.
TV programs and church services, both on-screen and behind the scenes, serve as invaluable resources for digital video platforms such as Reels and YouTube. It’s crucial to be intentional with your YouTube channel and ensure one is in place. This platform presents an excellent opportunity for people to engage with your content. By utilizing these platforms, you can impact lives for Jesus Christ and generate significant ministry dollars from advertisers looking to leverage your audience. Instead of using Reels solely as a glorified TikTok post, there are countless other ways to glorify God and engage with your audience creatively. Contact us, and we’ll share some ideas with you.
I began my journey as a TV director for a newly established sports network in my mid-twenties, directing various sports programs, including basketball, baseball, college football, and bowling. Then, one day, I heard God ask, “Will you follow Me?”
I answered that call, which led me to work with Jimmy Swaggart, Rod Parsley, Paula White Cain, Jentezen Franklin, and many others. Along the way, I have mentored numerous aspiring directors and producers of God, who have gone on to produce and direct programs for some of the largest ministries featured on TV.
With expertise in producing, directing, lighting, graphics, equipment, and more, and having directed and produced over 10,000 TV programs for some of America’s most prominent churches, worldwide stadiums, and TV studios, God has graced us with experience and wisdom to mentor your team. There is a creative rhythm to directing that supports the speaker and not distract from the message.

As the saying goes, “old men do know stuff,” and I am willing to share my knowledge with you.